Wednesday, June 3, 2020

All obout me 2020

We were learning about what to put on our blog befor posting them
What did i find hard that when i was posting io could'nt see all of my post.
Next time i will put more hard work  in my posting and checking that all of my sentences make


  1. Kia ora. My name is Kosta and I attend Mangapapa School in Gisborne, Tairāwhiti.
    Have you tried to zoom in on little parts and I liked your polyline and curve can you make the logo for gis int.

  2. Kia ora. My name is Tautuhi and I attend Mangapapa school in Gisborne, Tairāwhiti. I love the hard work that you put into your polyline. I also liked all the little detail in your hair. I liked how you added earrings and the yellow from inside of your intermediate jacket to your digital Avatar. As a question, why did you add a Bun to your digital Avatar when in your photo you have no bun?

  3. Kia ora Brooke. My name is Katie and I attend Mangapapa school in Gisborne, Tairāwhiti. Next time You should reread your writing for capital letters.

  4. hey brooke loving your work yes i know about your siblings they are a bit, well you know but the only think that i would change it the ears they have black things on them but it looks good bye

  5. thank you for the feed ford on what i need to do next time

  6. Hello Brooke im Olive I go to mangapapa are good at making your avatar it looks really cool.did you use polyline or curve?


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Positive - Something done well.
Thoughtful - A sentence to let us know you actually read/watched or listened to what they had to say.
Helpful - Give some ideas for next time or ask a question you want to know more about.

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