Friday, June 21, 2019

Constallaion poster

we did this because we were looking at our constellations and my constellation is an Aries and a arise is a ram

The survivor chart

We did this because we were learning this play about this family and they wanted to be a level for the family.


poor birds.

we were learning about this brooch that was a beck the beck is a huia. we did this play and it was Hilda birthday and so his husband George got him a brooch and they went walking in the bush with there friends William and Marry and then they heard this noise bang bang and it was a hunter the hunter was killing a huia.

Did the film communicate the script?
we did this play and it was Hilda birthday and so his husband George got him a brooch
Did it communicate the rising emotion being portrayed?
in the play, there was some emotion in it like happy sad angry
What could you shoot differently?
yes, we could because the person who was videoing was moving the camera really fast.
What would make your film more understandable?
yes, we could because we could have not shown our backs to the alldesnts and we can
What would give your film more emotional impact?
I do not the answer to this

Huia Brooch

Monday, June 10, 2019

star signs art

We did this work because our class tawiritematea went to the musem and we were talking about navagation because thats how captan cook cameto newzealand by useing the stars the wing the moon we were leaning about our star signs my star sign is an AriseI like this art because we got to paint with blending colours and we got to do it freedom

I am still wondering how did he use the stars to get to place to place

Thursday, June 6, 2019


we did some art about star signs and my star sign was an Arise a Arise is a ram.
we started  of by painting abig peace of paper and we had to make it galxy.
But i am still wondering about how the conatllaions got put up in the stars.

hope you coment