Tuesday, May 28, 2019

painted hoe

We did this because we have read this story about painted hoe and tawhirimatea  went to a museum  and we were talking about  navigation because captain cook use the stars and the sun to know where he was going.


We haved read this story about hoe waka and did you know that when the moair came to turanga-nui-a-kiwa that there were only about 20 hoe paddle had stay alive.

We did this because we read this storyabout the panited hoe but intead we nedd to write in the anwsers and some of the anwsers were tricky.


Tuesday, May 21, 2019



Finally we had got of the bus as me and my friend stepped of the bus we saw this amazing creatchen when I was looking it this grey car was coming down and it was Peter he was the one that show us around.we were talking about a special bird called a oi's as well we were making a hurt but there were some rules the first rule was that no predators cold come in the nest so it does not eat the oi's second rule was that we had to fit our group in and my group was Max G and Kate we had keep on trying because it keeping coming down and as soon we had to let go and it was standing.I was so excited because there was a challenge  to do the challenge was you had to put a blindfold on  and you had to have a buddy to tell you what derrichin we had to go under a como net then you go around these sticks then pick up the crab or kina in the net and give it to the ext to pears in your group and they had to do the sack same course but backwards.It was so much fun I want to go there again.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

outdoor funiture and rainforest

on the  05/03/2019 we had to make a slide of our odjet or a animal and we had to find or buddy that had a simarla card and my partner was Isla and so we had to make a slideshow to share to the class and this is our slide show.

I hope you like it!!!